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Prayer Service for Healing from Cancer
FEBRUARY 11TH - 10:45 AM
Who should come?Anyone who is sick! We are focusing on cancer. This does not exclude anyone who desires prayer. We will pray for anyone who desires.
What if I don't have cancer?Let us pray for you! We will prioritize prayer for anyone with cancer first, and then we will pray for you. The Bible declares recovery for all who are sick. This includes you!
What should I expect?Worship experience will begin at 10:45 AM. We worship through song, prayer, giving, and then a message from one of our pastors. This service will focus primarily on prayer and healing through prayer.
Where is Bethesda located? How do I get there?Bethesda Christian Ministries is located at: 2950 Bayard Street East Point, GA 30344 Bethesda is accessible by public transit, and there are several MARTA bus stops located near the church.
What time does Sunday church service begin?Sunday Worship services begin at 10:45 AM. Our doors open as early as 10 AM for the public. This gives worshipers plenty of time to check-in with family services such as Sproutz (Pre-K - Age 4) and B-Kidz (Age 5-10). – Each family service has a different sign-in/check-in procedure, so please check with guest services when you arrive. – Feel free Plan Your Visit on our website. This will give us an opportunity to contact you prior to your arrival to help you with your visit, and ensure you have a wonderful 1st visit!
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